The Multiple Listing Service (MLS)
What is the MLS, and how does it work for you? The MLS is a database of properties currently on the market in the area. Brokers participating in the MLS (which includes virtually all Brokers in the area) list all the homes they have for sale and agree to share in the sales commission of the properties. This means that if I list your property on the MLS for you, but another agent finds a buyer for your house, that other broker or agent is entitled to part of the commission. The big advantage to you, as the seller, is that every single broker and agent participating in the MLS has an incentive to sell your home. This effectively puts every agent in the area to work selling your home! The first placea buyer's agentlooks is always the MLS. There is simply no better way to gain instant and widespread exposure for your home than listing it on the MLS.
So, the first thing I'll do as your agent is get your home listed on the MLS! When another agent is searching for a home to meet the needs of a buyer, the agent will search the MLS based on the buyer's criteria for price range and features. So I'll enter all the important information about your home, such as the size, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, and any special features. I'll also take photos of your house and include them with your MLS listing. Agents and buyers alike are always more likely to look at listings with photos.